New Clients At the moment, I am limiting new clients to people who are looking for a massage therapist they intend to see regularly. I define a regular as someone who books a massage every 2-6 weeks with consistency. This is not a package purchase requirement and I understand that the first session is a "trial" for the both of us to see if my treatments are a good fit for your care. I confirm that I am looking for regular massage sessions. Name (required) Preferred Pronouns Email (required) Phone Number (required) Occupation How did you hear about me? Have you ever had a professional massage before? YesNo What physical activities do you participate in regularly? Please select your reason(s) for getting a massage (required). relaxation/stress reductioninjury/surgery rehabincrease flexibilityimprove sleepreduce sorenesslearn massage techniqueslearn stretching techniques Please describe any injuries or illnesses. Thank you for taking the time to give me some information about you and your needs.